Guidelines on What Not To Do With Your Light-Up Shoes

If you are the person who likes to stand out among the rest, then you probably have already bought the light-up shoes. These are shoes that will make a fashion statement every time you wear them. You will be noticeable among your friends. You will be the star attraction, like a bulb that attracts moths at night. That said, you should know a few things about what not to do with your elegant light-up shoes. Continue reading and get the best tips.

Don't Wear Them for the Wrong Event

Light-up shoes are not any other casual outfit that you can wear for any event. Imagine going for an interview with your nice pair of light-up shoes or worse, attending a funeral with your shoes glowing when everyone's feelings are dull. Go to those music events but not the wrong occasion with your light-up shoes.

Don't Wear Them Without Charging

The attraction in your great pair of sneakers is the glow that they emit. Otherwise, your sneakers are just as normal as everybody's. Charge the shoes first before going out so that you can stand out from the crowd.

Don't Wear Them In The Rain

Your light-up shoes perform best under dry conditions. There is a battery that keeps things going as they should. If the shoes get wet, the battery might get damaged, and this will spell doom to your glowing shoes. Ensure that you keep things dry and use the light-up shoes when it is only dry.

Don't Stick with a Single Setting

Most light-up shoes have several modes and settings to spice things up. If you want to tap into the passion of high energy, you can switch the mode to reflect how you feel. That is actually why the light-up shoes are unique and suitable to use in many settings. If you are attending a rock or EDM concert, you can adjust the mode on the light-up shoes as you wish.